
Forgive me father for I have sinned

Today is June 11, or 12th now since it is midnight and I haven't updated this blog since March 1 so that is more than 3 months ago. No I am not Catholic although my mom was and my nieces go to a Catholic high school. I was (still am I guess) a member of a Baptist church although I haven't darkened their door for a long time either.

Almost 6 months ago to this date I was thrilled that I had lost a full 10% of my weight in about 9 months. Today I am embarrassed to report almost all of that weight has come back. As for why, I could point to several reasons and make excuses about why but the only person to blame looks back at me in the mirror.

I guess I got too comfortable that I had lost that much weight so quickly that it would keep melting away and I could "let myself go" so to speak. This winter was much snowier than last and I slipped and fell at least 3 times so I wasn't all that interested in falling again so I pretty much stayed indoors. Then my work schedule picked up so there was another excuse to stay home. Now that the nice weather has arrived now it is too hot. Meantime the poor dog just lays on the floor and stares at me with her big brown eyes wondering when she will be walked again.

And I don't even have an excuse for not exercising since I bought an exercise bike about 18 months ago. Guess how often I have ridden it? Go ahead and guess. I also haven't bothered to get on the scale either until a week ago and again this morning. Since February 29th which was the day before my last update here, I have gained back 22 pounds so my total loss is now a whopping 8 which would be great of it was last April.

Nothing to do but to get back on the horse and try to lose all that weight again except now I am that much farther behind and have to cover ground I have already done.

In other news, winter is finally over although he seemed to want to stay around for an awfully long time. Even into late May the days would be nice enough to open windows and be outside but the temperature would drop and I know I heard the furnace running a few times. Now we have to start saving our pennies to pay the oil bill for next year.

That's it for now.
Onward and downward! (weight wise that is)

Wish me luck!

PS the answer to the question is ... ONCE