I don't live in the most glamourous neighbourhood and there is a lot of activity nearby. We have two sets of rail lines, a busy 4 lane street, the factory of the largest employer in town and lots of retail with some residential thrown in. But the lake is only a few minutes of walking away.
On Sunday morning, I took the dog for a walk downtown so I could deposit my whopping (insert sarcasm smiley here) paycheque into my bank account. On our way home we walked through the property that used to be home to the Canadian Pacfic Railroad station. The original building has been torn down and replaced with a little pre-fab box.
As we got closer to the street, off to my right I could see some purple and yellow in a pile of rubble behind the restaurant on the south side of the tracks that must have come from the garden they used to have before they expanded. I thought it was just some weeds that had taken root but when I got closer, I could see they were tulips.
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