

OK so I am not spanish nor do I speak spanish but after the comment left on my last blog I figured it was worth a try to increase my audience. Anyway, the main reason for this little blog's existence is to track my journey with weight loss. So without further ado, I stepped on the scale Wednesday morning after way too many days off and the scale told me was now 33 pounds lighter than I was in March and 3.4 pounds lower than I was last week. And that puts me within 6 pounds of my first major goal of losing 10% of my total mass. Those of you who are good with math should be able to figure out how much of a fat slob I was. Just imagine how much more I could lose if I did some exercise. And yes, I plead guilty to not walking the dog as much as I did earlier this year. Guess I am a wimp when it comes to walking in heat and cold.

As for the days off, I am self-employed so days off mean less money in the bank account to pay bills and less chance for tips. So if anyone, especially in a warm southern US climate, wants to hire a nice, hard working guy from Canada, give me a call!

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