
The updated update

Guilty as charged, I have been neglecting ye olde blog site. First of all, I did not step on the scale on Feb 6 but I did step up on Feb 14 and I was down by 3.6 pounds. Maybe it is from all the snow I have had to shovel this winter, so I am back to a total loss of 33.4 pounds and it also means I need to lose 15 pounds in the next month to meet the goal the doctor had for me or 0.5 pounds per day. Maybe I should put the old exercise bike to work? I've only had it for a year and it makes a great coat rack!

As for other exciting news, I hate winter. I know it has probably been a "normal" winter and we have been spoiled over the last few years I would be thrilled if I never saw another snowflake. In fact, I am thinking that Orlando Florida would be a pretty good spot to spend each and every winter. But for that to happen I either need to find a sugarmommy who wants to adopt me or I need a present from the Ontario Lottery Corporation. Neither of which is likely but it is always fun to dream.

And in other news, the NASCAR season is back underway with yesterday's running of the 50th Daytona 500. Congrats to Satan, I mean Ryan Newman on his win and all the folks at Penske Racing South. Unfortunately, a flat tire sent Ken Schrader home and for the first time since 1984 he wasn't on the starting grid. On to Fontana to attempt the Auto Club 500 in California.

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