
I'm baaaaaaaack!

Wow! Has it really been 2 years since I made my last post in here? Time flies when you are having fun. Guess there are a few things that need updating. First, since this blog is mostly about weight loss, the answer is no. In fact I am a few pounds above where I started back in Dec 07, at least that is what the scale at the doctors office said when I was there about a month ago. So... I guess I need to get back in the saddle again since the Doc said he wanted to see me smaller when I return in November. The weight loss aid I was using before apparently isn't being sold at the Walmart pharmacy anymore but I haven't looked anywhere else.

What else has changed in the last 2 years? Well, the fact I am still single hasn't changed. I still haven't met a rich, young, hot and single American woman who wants to adopt me! *LOL* Heck, any nation will do, at this point beggars can't afford to be choosers.

What else has changed? Well.... I have me a new job. Will have been there for 2 years at the end of September, hopefully my next post in here is long before then. I decided with travel prices going up and the economy going in the crapper. Not to mention always being shortchanged and ripped off on the amount of work I was doing, it was time for something else. Not to mention I had no benefits and I always owed Revenue Canada money at the end of the tax year.

So I started looking into call centres, since there were a few near by or within a short drive of my location and started applying. Within 2 days I got calls from 2 who were interested. One was a 10 minute drive away from my home and I would be doing internet tech support for a large American cable company who has a name rhyming with Bombast. And it was for different regions and when I was on the midnight shift, one call could come from Martinsville, VA and the next from Indianapolis. Then the powers that be decided to change our job descriptions. We were going to be trained how to do billing and tv support plus internet for a specific area covering Metro Philly, New Jersey and part of Delaware. OMG.

We got a week of training and people starting quitting in droves, for those of us who stayed, our shifts seemed to change every 6 weeks and the whine-a-thon started at full throttle. I actually took a call from a "gentleman" who was complaining about the Amber Alert that was posted for a missing child. He had the balls to say "It's not like I don't care and I have kids of my own, but this is interrupting my tv show" and he wanted a credit for interrupting his program.

When the chance came, they were looking for new people to work in On Call, which is a different department within the call centre that does a lot of smaller campaigns and I was hired there a month ago, and so far I am loving it. Not to mention, I get paid more per hour, am eligible for a yearly raise and get profit sharing bonuses every month. The Bombast campaign went from quarterly raises to a new monthly bonus and quarterly attendance bonus of $250 if you were on time and didn't miss a shift. For a total possible of $2008 for the year. One of the On Call agents made over $900 just for one month of profit sharing.

Anyway, that is enough of that. Keeping track of my weight could be fun because I have no idea where my scale is. It was in the bathroom, then everything got moved to repaint the bathroom and somehow the scale never made it back. I guess it grew legs and walked away. Maybe I should check out the XS Cargo website and see if they have anymore.